Sunday, May 11, 2008

To Speak of Logistics

And so it comes to pass that my plane takes off in a mere eight hours.

i suppose that it would have been nice to have had sufficient time to think through this post a little bit better before writing it...

But i'm kind of running a little bit short on time... as i need to wake up in five hours to leave.

So i will keep this kind of short because i am quite tired.

My plane departs Oklahoma City at 9:10am tomorrow, ultimately arriving in Lima at 10:50pm. My first bus out of Lima leaves at noon on Tuesday, so i will likely hang out in the bus station and try to keep myself awake until then. The bus ride from Lima to Arequipa, a city in southern Peru, will take about 14 hours, putting me in Arequipa at about 2am on Wednesday. i'm hoping to catch a bus to the town of Aplao somewhere in the area of 5-7am, which would get me to Aplao around 8-10am. Aplao is my initial destination, and is the location from which i will next be updating.

Aplao is located at about 2,000 feet above sea level on the Majes Canyon, which is the lower section of the Colca Canyon, widely considered the deepest canyon in the world, although most current sources cite it as the second deepest behind the nearby Cotahuasi Canyon. i will spend several days to a week in Aplao adjusting to Peru, getting to know the people, brushing up on my Spanish, climbing some nearby mountains, and, of course, taking lots and lots of pictures.

So i shall update sometime around the end of the week--or perhaps i will be able to talk Caroline into occasionally informing the world that she has heard from me and that i am not dead.

Pictures shall come soon, hopefully!


schupack said...

i'll be reading your updates. stay safe.

Mrs.Amanda said...

Sam! I will miss you. and i know God is going to do amazing things in your life while you're there with everything you're doing. I'll definitley be praying for you! : )

Amanda L

Ward said...

Sam... pretty excited about this blog and all kinds of jealous of your trip. Will definitely be a regular reader.